What are the benefits of FST?

  • Improves range of motion

  • Better circulation 

  • Creates more space in joint capsule

  • Stress release

  • Better recovery 

  • Better sleep

Who can Benefit?

  • Anyone who has pain in a certain area of their body, common areas of pain are knees, hips, shoulders, lower back anyone with  problems with sciatica and the neck. 

  • Anyone that has trouble moving a certain body part, an example is picking something up off the ground and feeling a pull in your back or off a high shelf and not being able to reach your arm up 

  • Anyone that works out often -> When we workout our muscles are contracting and tightening, over time even though working out is good for us if we are constantly tightening and not stretching then over time we decrease our range of motion 

  • Anyone that wants a deep stretch as part of their self care routine