Finding your why in your fitness Journey 

My reason for working out and your reason may be the same or it may be very different, but what is common about them is that we both have a REASON to workout, our own WHY. That WHY is going to be key to you continuing when things get hard or when your healthy lifestyle become inconvenient; because the truth is if you want to be healthy; wellness in terms of mentally, physically and emotionally ~ is going to take time and is not always going to be convenient; so that reason needs to be strong. However I meet a lot of people that have a lot of excuses as to why they are not healthy and the barriers they face. I also meet a lot of people who say they are LOOKING for the motivation to workout and engage in healthy habits, you know that someday I will find the motivation attitude. 

The problem with looking for motivation is that if you had the motivation you probably would not be reading this blog because you would already be taking steps toward the lifestyle you want. Your reason for being healthy needs to have an emotional connection for you personally. Try to choose at least 1 reason based on FEELING differently and 1 based on your APPEARANCE (becasue lets face it we will all always have something we do not like our bodies, and some things we cannot change ~ thanks mom and dad for my thighs which I can now appreciate but, that was not always the case.)

Most people do not find motivation by scrolling through Instagram seeing pictures of the six pack abs because where you are now and that probably seems so unattainable. Why is this important?

 Step 1: Stop the game of comparison. Do not compare your health and wellness journey to anyone else’s. What you enjoy and what someone your sister/friend/boyfriend enjoys may be different than what you enjoy. Also we never want to compare our beginning to someone else’s middle ~ it is straight up not fair to compare your day 1 to someone else’s 10th year in fitness…We are all on our own path

Step 2: Just Start, focus on being a little bit better everyday, maybe you start with walking? If you do not know where to start there is tons of information you can get for free on the internet. Join a gym, every gym I know gives you a consultation where you can ask questions and they show you how to use some of the equipment. Doing something is better than doing nothing and you will learn as you go. 

Why it is so important that you just start is often times along the way you are going to find your motivation. I promise eventually you will find something that makes you stick with it. I had one client walk down the stairs normally without her knees hurting or stepping down with only one foot -> her body just did it and over time all of those little things add up and it creates that connection and that drive to continue your healthy lifestyle

Step 3: What does your version of health look like to YOU? This is personal 

  • Is this being able to run for an hour without stopping, is it having a 200 lb deadlift?  is it being able to play with your kids without feeling winded? Each of us have our own version. 

Step 4: Is to learn what type of motivation do you need? What has made you successful or fail in the past -> this can be in anything not just fitness

  • Do you need someone to hold you accountable, to check in and see if you are still on track? 

  • Do you need someone to tell you you look fantastic that they recognize you effort and that you are doing well 

  • Do you need a goal outfit or a goal occasion